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  • Preferred option
    One-time payment of $2,500.00$2500.00
  • Preferred option
    5 payments of $500.005x $500.00

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


Small Business Money School$0

  • Total payment
  • 1xSmall Business Money School$0

All prices in USD

  • Does this help Canadian businesses?
    Yes! We have a growing international business community with clients in Canada, France, Argentina, UK, Australia, Mexico, and more! Small Business Money School mainly focuses on cash flow management, not country specific laws.

    Nothing you'll find in the program is US centric coaching.
  • When does the course start?
    We operate on a rolling enrollment basis. You'll begin the day you join and then you'll have 365 days access afterwards. If you join today you could be on a live coaching call with us by next Tuesday.
  • Can I get 1:1 support?
    Yes! There are multiple ways to get 1:1 support in SBMS. The most private way is through our CFO Reporting, and our Make More Money Review features. With these features you'll submit to us your financial data, plus any questions you have, and we'll go through it and record a private and personalized video with our feedback for you. These videos will then be sent to your email inbox for private viewing.
  • Is Gina the main coach?
    Yes! Gina is the head coach in the program along with our fantastic coaching team. You'll see Gina on most Tuesday coaching calls, hosting live challenges, and engaging in the community.

Saved her business from near bankruptcy and became profitable again in 7 months!

Samone B.
Dating Coach

Built a working capital fund for the first time in her business and broke the cycle of operating from 1 payroll day to the next.

Ashley G.
Doggy Daycare Owner

Paid off over $42,000 of credit card debt as the breadwinner in her family while simultaneously buying her first home!

Genieva D.
PR Agency Owner

Doubled her take home pay and saved $68,933.59 in cash reserves.

Maddie P.

Saved 6 months of business expenses in the bank and started paying herself from her business for the first time ever!


Went from -1k in monthly profit, to +5.6k in monthly profit in 9 months while simultaneously paying off his credit card debt in full, and increasing his take home pay.

Jonathan W.
MFR Therapist

Paid off her 42k Stripe Loan in full (and early), while revamping her offers from the ground up.

Ashley R. 
Systems Strategist
